Black and Blue! Didn't our mom's tell us NO NO NO! Is it possible that our mom's were WRONG! Do the French know better than our mother's! Can't be! But our mother's also told us we couldn't wear white after Labor Day and that has totally changed. WINTER WHITE is fabulous!
Black and Navy is really a great combination and we should not be afraid of it. So many of the women who shop in the store are so afraid of Black and Navy. But really it is tres chic! Oh, wouldn't Mr. Grube my French teacher be proud (they asked me to drop French in High School - the Brooklyn accent just didn't work!). I'll never forget the day the poor man sang the French National Anthem and the kids threw pennies at him! How bad we were! But I deviate from the topic!
We have to face the fact - things have changed! We don't have to carry a Navy handbag with our Navy shoes - we can wear White anytime we want too - Brown and Black is a fabulous combination - our shoes and handbags DON'T have to match anymore! We're FREE FREE FREE to do whatever we want! Enjoy!
And I can wear PURPLE even though my mother (of blessed memory) told me I shouldn't!
You've alwyas been free to wear whatever you want.
The fashion police only exist in your mind, and in the snarling, pretentious minds of people whose opinions should not matter!
I love you Matty-but this is something you might not understand. You didn't grow up being told that you couldn't wear White after Labor Day! or that your shoes should match your handbag. This is more of a "girl" thing! I doubt that boys were given this type of info from their moms!
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