Someone got a GREAT DEAL!

But every once in awhile someone gets an absolutely FABULOUS deal from me! Not necessarily because I want it that way - but because selling on ebay requires lots of psychology and sometimes you just don't psychoanalize it right! So what do you do? You've managed to sell something way way way below the price it should have gone for. What do you do? Well, you could do what someone did to me when I managed to win that $1500 CHANEL bag for $355 - just don't send it and tell them to "try to get your money back from PAYPAL" (luckily I did!) or you could do what I do - send it with good wishes. Because that is what ebay is all about. You can get really great deals here! It is the best shopping place (I think) that you can find.

I had been in a store during the day that sells Vintage Western boots and they were going upwards from $400 (and those were in dreadful shape!) - so a really good deal was gotten here. That's OK - like I said, it works both ways - I have gotten some fabulous deals! Except for that one creep - everyone has always honored their committment!
But again, it works both ways........
We had a Rundholz coat in the store a year ago that sold for $160. They ran out of the store - customer's begged us to get more, but none were available. One of the women who was lucky enough to get one - decided a few months later that she didn't want it and gave it to me to sell on ebay. What do you know? It went for $477! Yes, that's right - $477. Now you might think that the person who bought it for that price must have been crazy! But no - she managed to get something that she wanted - she could not have found that piece anywhere - at any price. So everyone is happy - the gal who didn't want it anymore got a really nice price for it - I made a nice commission for selling it and the woman who got it - LOVED IT! Why not, it was fabulous.
So, it works every which way. Life is short - enjoy the little things - shop on ebay and find the things that will make you happy. It's fun! Enjoy!
The link to my ebay items is:
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