Let's try this again!
Sometimes (and I just can't figure it out) a fabulous item does not sell. A great deal (couldn't be better, in fact) and no one buys it. Now lots of people watch my site - so it's not as if people don't get to see it -
This bag is amazing - so the item is being relisted and so is this post. This is a case where someone should buy this wonderful bag at such an amazing price. Afterall, we sold another one of these bags at the store for $1000 (we only had the two). So I'm giving it another go - I hope someone buys it who will love and appreciate it - these are the kinds of things you should own and use forever. If I didn't have so many others - I would be the one giving it the love it deserves!

Perhaps now that I've sold the RED bag (and I'm sure this gal will totally LOVE LOVE LOVE it) it's time for the BROWN one to go. How many of these are lingering in my closet? Oh - too many! But I just love handbags! I wonder why - don't you wonder what that is all about. I think one of the customer's gave me a reasonable answer but unfortunately I don't remember what she said - perhaps it was something about "order" in your life. I don't know - but I do know that for some reason I can never find the "perfect" handbag - everytime I think it has truly happened - it's perfect - my things fit in so well, it looks so good, this is it! IT'S NOT! I'm still looking and hunting. Guess I'm not the only one. The price of handbags has gone UP UP UP and AWAY over the last few years. Inexpensive bags are $600!
So here is another bag from that wonderful factory in Italy (and the last one from my closet).

This bag was made in the same factory that makes the Manolo Blahnik alligator shoes. The workmanship is the best and the alligator is top quality. This little bag retailed for $1100 at the store where I work and was a fabulous value at that price. So at $199.99 - you can't go wrong. This bag is really a beauty! The color is really fantastic - maybe BROWN should be the new Black!
The item number is: 110027736902 and will start on Sunday evening, September 17th.......
The listing for this bag is: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110027736902&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESC%3AIT&rd=1
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