An American Story! - Hooray!

OK OK - I'm back! Thank you so much for asking me to continue my blog.
I stopped my blogging when my son-in-law ran into so much trouble with his. Some horrible people were out to get him! and although they didn't succeed, they did cause unpleasant days! So I said to myself "who needs this?"
But all is well with my son-in-law and daughter and those terrible people did not succeed! In the interim my son-in-law has a novel that is coming out in July. You can actually order it now on AMAZON! How exciting is that? Bet those nasty people aren't happy for him at all!
I think it's wonderful - here's this guy - my son-in-law - who writes a book - just like that - always at his computer pounding away. He goes to the library to research agents - remember, he doesn't know anyone who could possibly help him with this! He sends out his book and gets himself a great agent! The book gets purchased by RANDOM HOUSE and now we are anxiously awaiting his book - SOMETHING MISSING by Matthew Dicks!
An american story - with hard work and perseverance a person can do it! I am so impressed and proud. A friend shared a wonderful quote with me - "behind every successful man is a SURPRISED mother-in-law"! I love it!
Too kind! Too kind!
I can't tell you how many other would-be writers I now find myself urging to get off their butts and start writing!
If I can do it, anyone can!
I think that Matty is truly an inspiration! Yes, if he can do it - then others can too! Never say never!
I am so happy for you guys..........and ilovemygirls3 you are so sweet who could not love you.....and for all those mean people what goes around comes around just shows to prove it..good for you matt.....
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