
Thursday, November 20, 2008

What happens if........

I love selling wonderful things on ebay - it's so great to get these wonderful things to move on to other people. I have shipped things all over the world - and I love that too! I think that it's great that you should have something in your closet in New York City and decide that you don't want it anymore - so I sell it for you on ebay and it winds up in Dubai! How great is that?

But - I have this really beautiful HERMES EVELYNE

handbag listed. Listed for $1600 (which is a good deal!) and have many people interested in buying it. The idea though of shipping it out of the USA becomes another issue in a case like this. Within the USA you can insure the package and really not have to worry about it. Outside the USA I send things EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL - moderately expensive but fast and safe. Sending things that way I can sometimes insure them (depending on the country that it is going to) and the item is trackable - so no one can tell you that they didn't receive it - something I had to learn the hard way! BUT - you really can't insure things for this amount of money. Do you send it out and take your chances? I don't think so - nothing has been lost to date - but what if this becomes the first time? It would be a very costly experience!

Hopefully the gal in Switzerland who is interested can send it to someone in the USA. That would be the safest for everyone.

Lots of people are watching it - it's a beautiful bag and I hope that it will find a very good home.

Check out my items listed on ebay right now......lots of great things!



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