
Friday, July 28, 2006

This was really upsetting!!!!!

Got to work this morning and immediately opened my wonderful Power Book G4 (I do love my laptop - and it loves me - still working beautifully after many falls!). I quickly discovered over 25 questions in my mail folder - a lot considering I had just finished answering questions before I left home about 35 minutes earlier!

I knew what the problem was though because it has already happened to me twice........ebay is a great place - but there are just so many bad people out there. (Don't we know it!)

Someone had hacked into my site (please someone - tell me how they do this?) and listed about 50 electronic items and the 25 questions were all about these items (I think that 2 of the questions were for my things!). So even though the store was getting busy I "LIVE HELPED" ebay only to find out that the LIVE HELP that I needed was at the security site. I had to wait another 10 minutes for this person - guess everyone's site is getting hacked into. I should mention though that there were two messages from people telling me that someone must have gotten onto my site - they knew that I don't sell electronics like thank you my followers for the warnings - I appreciate it!

After lots of back and forth - they had to call me at work to make sure it was me - so that we could continue our LIVE CHAT. I was promised that they would remove all of the items that didn't belong and of course I would be credited the listing fees! Gee thanks!

Having gone back to my site to make sure all of the items were gone, and they were, I discovered that they also removed all of my scheduled items - about 12 of them. Now you have to understand how much time and work goes into listing 12 items - ALOT!

So I LIVE CHATTED the security center again, waited patiently the 12 minutes and was told "I'm so sorry - but there is nothing that could be done about this" - "you will have to do the listings again" so sorry!

I also had to change my ebay password along with my email password.

PLEASE someone tell me why do people do things like this? Why can't they use their ingenuity to do something honest? Why do they want to hack into my site where I'm selling all of these nice things and making people happy? I just don't get it.

But if you need it the site for the EBAY LIVE CHAT - SECURITY is:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! I can't believe this happened again! What a pain. I agree, it's terrible when people are so conniving. So glad they fixed it for you but so sorry you need to relist those 12 items. I know how hard you work on each one...

6:59 PM  

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