Purz-n-izer vs Purseket!
Have ordered them both and think that I have the answer as to which I think is the best. Remember please - this is the best for ME! It could be different for you.......
This is what I carry with me in my handbag: iPod in iPod case along with earphones in a plastic baggie, small notebook, cell phone, pen, make-up brush, photos of my daughters in Jay Strongwater frame in felt bag, Coach credit card case, wallet, sunglasses in their case, eyeglasses in their case, keys, digital camera in its own case, palm in the Coach pink case along with assorted papers! Oh - and don't forget my make-up case! Lots of accessories - I love them!
Is that a lot? For me it is - my bag is always so heavy! Why do I have to have all of this stuff all of the time? Does it make me secure? Well yes - I know that if I get caught in an elevator I can entertain myself for a long time - before they come along to get me out! I have Scrabble on my palm and hopefully they will get me out before the music on my iPod is finished (there is even a Grisham novel on there - just in case!). This makes me feel secure - I know that I can entertain myself for a few hours! and fix-up my face if need be! Hopefully I can even make a phone call!
So I put everything in the purz-n-izer -www.purzinizer.com (the Purseket hadn't come

OK -
I arrived home from New York City last night and there was my Purseket! www.pursket.com Fabulous BLACK and White Polka Dots (you know that I just love those Polka Dots) Seemed rather odd when I saw it - long and stiff (no comments, please!). I was rather intrigued though with this! Tonight when I came home from work I put all of my things in it.
I knew right away that this was the PERFECT answer! Everything fits into it beautifully (this time I started right out with the LARGE one!) - a wonderful compartment for each thing. The compartments are different sizes - all of my goodies had a place of their own and there is even one compartment that closes with a flap and velcro. And then - you have the entire middle empty - perfect for my two pairs of eyeglasses - as you can see that Chanel case is quite big - but there is plenty of room in there for it. Everything is easily accessible! The fact that it is nice and stiff is what makes it so great! It stands in the bag beautifully! What can be better - "A place for everything and everything in its place"?
I do believe that this will fit in any shape handbag - mine is a real tote - but I think that it will work in many different size and shapes!

For me - the Purseket wins!
But really, both are terrific! I recommend either of them! I will buy a medium size of the Purseket too! It will be better for my smaller bags. Of course you can remove this and put it in any other handbag too! Very convertible!
This is a really terrific item - someone was really using their head when they came up with it! Congratulations! Isn't it great when someone is so smart?
Check out my photos and perhaps you can figure out without having to buy them all which one is best for you.
How nice to be organized! I hated it before - I always had to take everything out to find one little thing - this is just great!
Don't forget - check out my ebay site: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZilovemygirls3QQhtZ-1
This seems like a great item!! Your pictures are excellent!
I like this post! It looks like you had a lot of fun! :)
Yes, it was fun! But really - it is a great item! If you carry a big bag - this will really organize it....I'm very serious about this stuff! Nuts, yes?
Thanks so much for reviewing both organizers! I've been wondering what these two organizers look like in action.
I just bought a new, larger handbag so I would only have to carry one bag for work (instead of a small purse and a backpack) and it's turned into a bottomless pit!
It seems like the purznizer would work best for me since I could move it to one side of my bag and make room for my laptop. But I'll probably end up getting a small purseket too for my smaller purses. :)
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