Red is the new BLACK!

Don't you just love that? Who makes these big decisions? I thought that they said Brown was the new Black!!! Can't they make up their minds? Myself - well, I prefer Black being just BLACK!

BUT if Red is the new Black - take a look at this (this item is scheduled to go up on ebay on the 14th of August in the evening) This bag was made in the same factory that makes the Manolo Blahnik alligator shoes. The workmanship is the best and the alligator is top quality. This little bag retailed for $1050 at the store where I work and was a fabulous value at that price. So at $199.99 - you can't go wrong. This bag is really a beauty! The color is really fantastic - maybe RED should be the new Black!

I hope that someone will bid on and win this bag - because they will truly have won something beautiful that they should enjoy always. How many of these "wonderful" things can I have? I already have too many.

Elysha hates red.
Too bad for her, huh?
please peek into your fashion crystal ball and tell me if green will ever be the new always get hyped. maybe green will be the new brown!!
I think I'd like to see ORANGE as the new black!
BTW: Nice little lead in to your sales pitch...If red is the new black you should buy this ebay item from me...Very clever!
I'm a clever gal!
But green, orange, red, brown - no color will ever be the new BLACK! Black is BLACK! and as far as I'm concerned the very best color there is. Most of my clothes are black. I love it when people come into the store and say "there is so much black!" and then when they look at a sweater in a wonderful color - what do they want to know? "Does it come in BLACK?". The fashion people can try to make us believe whatever they want - but Black will always be BLACK! and the ladies love it! (me too!)
and Matty - does Elysha really hate RED? I didn't know that - 0h, the secrets you two share!
Yeah, red is not my favorite for clothing. I love my red car and red makes the best candy, but overall, I'm not a red girl.
A few years ago Plato decided that Fridays would be school spirit days and that we (teachers and students alike) should wear our school colors- red and khaki! UGH! Well, I love my school so I went out and bought 2 red shirts. I think I wore each one precisely once before deciding that I clearly didn’t have THAT much spirit. They’re both in the Goodwill bins now…
Had we known that RED was the new BLACK we could have sold them on ebay!
The new BLACK changes so quickly! Today it might be a different color......
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