That's what I love about retail - besides my ebay business I work part-time in a very high end, very wonderful & fun woman's clothing store. For me - it's heaven on earth. I love the clothing, I love the women and I love my boss! Perfect!
Last week a woman came in who comes into the store once a year. She said that she had been in New York City but wouldn't buy anything - she was saving her $$ for a trip to the store. She tried on this and that - and picked out a few things - a handbag, a wonderful Miyake outfit and a few other goodies. We added it up and it was more than she wanted to spend. There she was on the other side of the counter - "But I want it all!". It wasn't a joke - she meant it - and I understood as would a lot of women - they want it all - AND THEY SHOULD HAVE IT!
My theory about all of this is that life is short - and none of us know what is around the corner. Now that doesn't mean that we should be totally frivilous and go crazy - but if these are the things that make us happy - we should do it! (Within reason, of course!). I guess all of this sounds somewhat shallow - sorry - I know about all of the bad things in this world - these are the easy things - may as well enjoy them if we can. Because of that when my husband kept going on and on about the IWC PILOT's WATCH that he wanted I suggested that he look on ebay. Now you have to understand that this was a few months after he had a heart attack and it seemed to me that this fits into my theory as mentioned above........
We looked on ebay and found two of them. One from someone in Philadelphia who had a ton of good feedback and was selling very high priced watches and the other in Hong Kong! I would not buy an item such as this from someone in Hong Kong - for any number of reasons and it had to be purchased from someone I felt that I could trust completely. I emailed the person in Philadelphia and told him that I was interested in the watch and that I would like to speak to him on the telephone. He emailed me back with his home # and his work # - a very good sign. We had a few chats and proceeded to BUY IT NOW! - WOW! We decided that I would meet him in the city and pick up the watch. How exciting! My husband couldn't wait to get that watch on his wrist. He put it on and then took the dog for a walk - when he got back the watch was no longer working! I called this fellow and he was very upset about it and arranged for Fed Ex to pick it up the next day at his expense. He sent another watch immediately and my husband was not happy with it. There was a nick in the chrystal. Oh boy! We were offered our money back but that wasn't what he wanted - he wanted the watch. So the original watch was sent back to us and my husband found the people who service these watches. The watch was under warranty - he brought the watch to them (in New York City) and it came back (after quite some time) - still not working properly (can you believe it?). Finally they replaced the movement and it still didn't work! This went on and on (I won't bore you with ALL of the details). In the end IWC replaced the watch completely! It all worked out in the end!
Moral of the story - if you are dealing with someone honest on ebay - it should all be OK. My husband LOVES his watch! I love him and I'm glad that he's well and can enjoy it.
The link to my ebay items is: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZilovemygirls3QQhtZ-1
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