These things have to be figured out!

People really send me such wonderful things to sell. It's truly amazing the things that we have in our closets! Brand new gorgeous cashmere sweaters, alligator handbags beautifully made, brand new designer shoes - fabulous! Every once in awhile though something comes along that can really make me laugh!
I pulled out a BRAND NEW YOHJI YAMAMOTO thing - yes, I have to call it a THING! I really can't figure it out. Now we sell Yohji at the store and I have been lucky enough to buy Yohji in Paris (for the store) - what fun that is (and what work it is too-it takes hours!). But this - well - it's a long long tube of black wool. There seems to be a place to put your head - that becomes a turtle neck kind of thing - then a hole for one arm - and then what? What goes in the tube? Your body? Your arm? Perhaps someone knows how this thing should work. HELP!!!!
added August 18th
OK - it's been figured out! Here are some photos of my boss in the Yohji scarf - she looks pretty good I think!

Visit the Yohji site - it's quite fun!

Maybe it's a poncho-type thingy... for a one-armed person - hee hee! Could it possibly be worn with one arm in and one arm out? Or can that tubey thing be a scarf?
Either way - I agree with you -that's one silly looking item of clothing!
Yes - definitely one arm in and one arm out! But then what? I'll figure it out some way!
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