Go Figure!
I really love selling things on ebay - I love the people that I meet - how fun it is! People get such wonderful deals and I think that is great! But sometimes people are just totally unreasonable! I sold a BRAND NEW pair of HOGAN Interactive Sneakers the other day for $49.99! What a price for a very expensive pair of sneakers. But how great for the person who bought them! What a deal! These sneakers were purchased in Europe and were not even available in this country in this color! Well, the gal who received them today sent me this email:
I just received the Hogan RED SNEAKERs from you and I am afraid to tell you that I am disappointed regarding their condition. They are not brand new at all as you stated. There are even few tiny pebbles on the rubber soles & dirt, some scuffs on body surfaces and color faded spot at the side of the left shoe. I don't mind some creases on steps because they could have been happened by store-try however, all the above is not the conditions I expected. They are definitely not brand new... I like the color and their quality so, if you consider some reimbursement such as $10 or

Here is a picture of the sneaker that she received...... I really do not know what to say.....what a great deal she got. These sneakers are indeed brand new - the gal who bought them wore them around her house to try to get them to be comfortable on her feet - it didn't work and she gave them to me to sell. She is a very reputable person and these shoes were/are truly in BRAND NEW condition. $10 off - really! Here is a picture of the same shoe in another color that I found online.........

This is the site that I found them on: HOGAN INTERACTIVE SNEAKERS
$369! and that is the DISCOUNTED price. Am I wrong in feeling that this gal is taking advantage?
Well, I asked her to please return them to me. I will not give a $10 refund - I would rather not sell them at all. It's nice to sell great things to people at great prices - but it is not nice to be taken advantage of. I feel really badly that she is not happy with her purchase - but they were a really fantastic deal - I think that she should just say "thank you".
Added note:
This is the response that I received from the buyer today:
I am glad to see your quick response and it made me feel a little better that you showed your caring.
I know I didn't pay so much on Hogan brand however, because showing unexpectedly so much indications that they have been worn that I thought, I just did not like "discrepancy" between the actual condition and the word "brand new" when I opened the package.
It's a troublesome to repack and get a line at post office for me.
So, I'll keep them.
Thanks again for your writing back quickly.
Good weekend.
All's well that ends well!
No, you can't win them all!
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