
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Who tells who what!

Do you tell your husband/boyfriend/girlfriend/partner about everything you buy? How much it is? ETC ETC ETC......

So many of the customers at the store want the labels cut off, the prices removed or don't even want to look at their receipts. Now why is this? I believe it's a psychological thing between men and women. A lot of the husbands really couldn't care less - I see it - they come into the store - they don't even pay attention to what their wives are doing - BUT the women whisper - they tell us not to say the price out loud! OR they slip us their credit card and have us ship the item!

The women who seem to want the least are the women whose husbands want to buy them everything. They follow their wives around the store - "try this", "try that" - and the women say "no - I don't need it"!

Do men really understand that a handbag can cost up to $2000 (and more!) - can they really understand that you "need it" when you have at least 20 fabulous handbags in your closet right now? Can they really understand that you need another coat when the rod in the coat closet is sagging now? No, most men really can't - which is why (I guess) they take the prices off, they hide the clothing in the car and they whisper in the store when their husbands are sitting comfortably on the sofa. Little do they know what is transpiring at the desk!

And of course we know why we are buying another handbag, another coat, or another sweater! (or the biggest culprit of all - SHOES!) WE HAVE TO HAVE IT!

We do have one customer who does ask her husband's approval before she buys anything. He always gives her a hard time (and us too) but generally winds up getting it. I really don't understand this ritual at all. They have been married a long long time - seem to have lots of money and yet she puts up with his carrying on - this I don't get AT ALL! and he drives off in his brand new Porshe! I guess he asked her permission to buy THAT!

I guess this is the man/woman dance! Do we love it or hate it?

Do you have a comment? Leave it here........
THANKS - I love comments!

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