
Saturday, October 28, 2006

Style! Who's Got It?

Where does style come from? Who's got it? Who doesn't?

Some people can buy the most expensive clothing - beautiful clothing and still not look great! It's not expensive and great looking clothing that gives you style - it's you - it's something that a person just has. I guess you can try to buy it - a good salesperson can help you pick out things that are right for you - but you have to something that comes from within you! You can't buy that!

I knew someone once who "came into some money" and started shopping like a mad woman - beautiful expensive things - tons of them! But the linen was always crumbled looking on her - now that is what linen is all about - but on her it just looked awful - she just looked disheveled! Her blouses were always hanging out of her pants or skirts (of course now it's the style to have your shirt hanging out - then it wasn't!) - it didn't matter what she wore - she was messy, sloppy - she did not have style! And nothing was going to change that!

I see a lot of young women who are not spending a fortune on their clothing - yet they look fabulous - they wear it well, it fits - it works - they've got style! It really isn't something that you can buy!

I love clothing - I have always loved clothing - from the time I was a little girl - I had my own style - I still do! I'm lucky!

The one thing that really makes me crazy is a woman who needs her friends approval before she will buy something. She doesn't have enough faith in her own taste to buy something. And believe me, you can't always trust your friends! I have seen women looking really fabulous in something - really fabulous! and what does the friend say? "Oh, I don't know - I don't like it". And BINGO - the other gal doesn't buy it! I guess there are times when I might ask an opinion - but overall, I know what I like and what I want to wear.

Shopping should be fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more.

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always wondered about people/women who do not know if something fits or not!!!!! Yes,I have an acquaintance who spends tons of money and she has some taste but always wants someone else's opinion. It drives me crazy and I refuse to shop with her. Of course, being out here in the middle of nowhere, I now do just about all of my shopping on ebay. I do love magazines especially the foreign one and occasionally journey into Atlanta!!! I ,too, have ALWAYS loved clothes but now that I have settled on eskandar, my life is much easier!!! I even sent him an email thanking him for helping me survive this miserable, hot South Carolina summer looking pretty wonderful in his linen and cotton and guess what!!!! I received an answer from HIM!!! He is delightful. I met him at one of thoes Neiman's get togethers! I'll be back! Regards to all!!

3:47 PM  

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