
Friday, December 11, 2009

Time for a lesson!

We were out for dinner last night - before going to see "Pirate Radio" - which I really enjoyed! when I made the terrible mistake of checking my messages. Why - why do I have to do that? I'm out for the evening - relaxing - and I check my messages. "When will I receive the Hermes necklace?" - yes, that's the email that I received - he was referring to the $1000 Hermes silver necklace that I sent out on December 1st. It certainly should have been received - no question. So now I'm upset and I have no way to check the tracking on my iPhone - yes, it's great and does so many things - but going on eBay on Safari doesn't give me the option to track the shipment. I mean, yes - I could go onto PAYPAL and try to find his payment there - but that wasn't going to be easy. So I called my daughter and discovered that she was putting the baby to sleep - son-in-law was on the telephone with a client! No help there.

We left the restaurant and went to the movie theater. Now you have to understand that this is a small theater - 3 movies - not one of these 20 plexes and it's a more personal kind of place. When we went upstairs to get to our movie the door to the office was open and I went in and asked if I could just check something on his computer. Obsessive compulsive - would you say?

He was somewhat apprehensive about letting this crazy woman use his computer - he doesn't go on eBay and knows nothing about it really. I was able to find the item quickly and right on the eBay site you can track it. Item was delivered on 12/4 and signed for. A small sigh of relief - but remember - this is eBay - they protect the buyer no matter what!

I took down the tracking number and during the previews I emailed him with the information. I heard from him this morning. I had already emailed him all of the information - tracking, address item was sent to, etc. etc. and suggested that perhaps his post office was holding the package.

Well, this is what happened. His postman left the little yellow slip that you sign when a signature is required. He left it so that it could be signed and then he would leave the package in the box. Now by "box" I'm not quite sure exactly what that means - an open box, a locked box? So my man signed the little yellow slip, the postman left the $1000 necklace and someone must have stolen it. My man does not have it!

Don't ever sign one of those little yellow slips unless the package is in your hand! It is so easy (well, for me it is - but it is worth the trouble) to go to the post office and pick up the package yourself rather than have it left where anyone else can get it instead of you.

I'm lucky - this is a good honest person - he knows that it is absolutely not my fault and he told me that he appreciated whatever it is that I did - getting the package out quickly, sending it properly (needing a signature and insured) and that in no way was I responsible for the loss of the package.

I feel terrible - $1000 - that's a lot of money to lose just like that AND he wanted the necklace - it was quite special and a real value at that price. At least a $2000 necklace - BRAND NEW! Hopefully he can collect the money from his insurance company.

So - have you learned something from his bad experience? I certainly did. Of course my post office does not deliver to my house - in order to get my mail I MUST go to the post office - a small rural post office with the best service and cheery post people!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your blog, this is the first post that I have read and can't wait to read on. What you've done on Ebay is amazing and hopefully I can emulate your success. I have just started selling and like you, I started with the things in my closet because I love accessories and I'm running out of room for new. Handbags are such a good seller and I would like to start selling for my friends as well. I can certainly relate to this story and would love for the buyer to be able to add insurance into the total of the invoice at the end of auction. I just purchased a 7" tablet computer so that I can check on my auctions while I'm away from home and it works great, gives you the full screen view with windows. Looking forward to future posts. Thank you, Alice

2:07 PM  

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