
Thursday, November 03, 2011

It all goes round and round and round and round

You know how much I love eBay! I really believe it is the most amazing market place.

Last year one of the customers at the store gave me this fabulous sweater coat and scarf from an Italian company - MELY's. Mely's is one of those manufactures that produce under their own name but also produce things for some of the very top companies - CHANEL, HERMES, etc. Great things.

The coat and sweater were really wonderful, but the gal who bought them never wore them and gave them to me to sell on ebay. A great opportunity for someone. I listed the two things separately and the scarf was bought by one person and the sweater by another.

The sweater was purchased by a gal in California - who, it turns out, never wore it and sent it back to me the other day to sell on eBay :)

Today I get an email from someone asking if this was the same sweater that I had listed a year ago because she bought the scarf and has wanted the sweater too!

NOW, how good is that? and what are the chances of something like that happening? Pretty slim, I think.

I like that story - everyone is happy. The gal who bought it originally got some of her money back when I sold it for her on eBay. The gal who bought the scarf is happy because now she has the sweater that she wanted and the gal who bought it originally on eBay is happy, because she gets back some of her money.

I do love eBay :)


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