
Thursday, November 09, 2006

Why are we never satisfied?

Is this a psychological problem - is it inherent? Why can't we ever be satisfied?
Well, probably not all of us - I'm sure there are people out there who don't have this problem. I remember years ago I was at the GAP and a young mom told her son "let's get you some shorts" - "no" he said "I already have some"! Ahhhh! He already had a pair - why does he need another?

But most of us (the people I know) never have enough. We always need another pair of shoes, a new handbag, a sweater - there's always something that we NEED!

NEED! How can we possibly need anything - our closets are overflowing, there's no room to put another box of shoes and the handbags are hanging from the rafters already.

So what is it exactly? Why can't we find satisfaction? Years ago a doctor told me that I was looking for love. Well, luckily for me I have lots of love. My husband, my children, my dogs! They truly love me - I know it - I feel it - wouldn't that be enough LOVE? Am I looking for the love I wanted as a child? ENOUGH ALREADY - time to give that up - I'm not looking for that anymore! Believe me - I've searched and searched for that and I'm not doing that anymore - I have that part settled.

I really don't get it - we just never have enough - if you know the answer, tell me -

*a sidenote: I just remembered that a doctor I used to see said to me - "I was thinking of you the other day" - "I was at Saks and couldn't decide which coat to buy" - "so I thought of you and bought both"! - was I going to her for help - or was I helping her!


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