Come on....this is EBAY-not BERGDORF GOODMAN!
Sold this really nice brown leather jacket - perfect condition - really soft leather.....
From a good friend's closet - practically brand new BANANA REPUBLIC Soft Leather Brown jacket. Jacket is in excellent condition - I don't see anything that would have to be mentioned. Nice blazer style - will be perfect for Spring!
It went for $68. a really good value (I think) - jackets like this are pretty costly. The jacket was really in perfect condition. The person who bought it sent me an email telling me how upset she was that the middle button was broken. Well, I didn't see it and frankly, looking at the photos I still don't see it. If I saw that the button was broken I would have mentioned it.
I suggested that she check the jacket to see if there was an "extra" button inside. Usually better items do provide an extra button or two for just this kind of mishap.
Kind regards,
KIND REGARDS! My goodness - what is wrong with people, she received a pretty expensive jacket in excellent condition for $68! What is the big deal about having to go to the tailor to have the button exchanged? Am I wrong? This is ebay - if you buy something that has been worn - even "gently worn" (I love that expression) do you expect that it should come in BRAND NEW condition? This is what I emailed her back: Good Morning I'm sorry that you have such a problem with this. I really didn't see it - if I did I would have mentioned it. I list so many things and I guess here and there something can be missed. I realize that it is a pain - I feel the same way about things like this - I'm glad though that there was an extra button - that's a good thing. It's a really nice jacket and you really did get a good value. You will have many years of pleasure wearing it, I'm sure. Ebay offers us the opportunity to get things at better prices. The older I get though - the mellower I become - something like this would have made me crazy years ago - but now I do better with things like this. I'm sitting here (I really should be getting ready for work) listening to the news and the sad and terrible loss of these young people and some of their professors - it certainly puts everything else in perspective. You got a great value - it's a beautiful jacket - you will wear it and enjoy it. It was a small error on my part - I love ebay and work hard at it - people are happy to do business with an honest seller. I hope that you will forgive the broken button. Have a good day Barbara
I hope that she will enjoy the jacket - it really is so nice and truly an excellent value. I think it's important when buying on ebay to understand that "gently used" merchandise is indeed "gently used" and NOT BRAND NEW!
Luckily people seem genuinely happy with the things that they buy from me. They get great things at good prices.
What I can't understand is why she can't sew the button on herself???
My feelings exactly!
Don;t assume.
I can't sew buttons.
I thought the same thing too, Sam! :)
...and Matty - you could too sew a button, it's not rocket science!
I would have sent her this link:
Don't they teach home economics anymore? :)
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