It's really amazing!!!
I haven't written here in soooo long.
It's just impossible because there just aren't enough hours in a day or days in a week. Between working at the store and seeing our beautiful adorable brilliant grand baby each week there just has not been any time. And now that we have another grand baby - there will be even less time in each week.
BUT I was just scrolling through my listings - 123 in all at this moment and I can't believe how many fabulous things I have listed. It's amazing the wonderful things that my ladies give up. I think that ebay is just the best marketplace there could be. Where else could people scroll through listings of so many wonderful things? and I'm not just talking about my listings. I'm talking about all of the great things listed on ebay.
I'm so surprised when I talk with someone and they tell me that they have never even been on the ebay site. They are missing so much and so many wonderful values. I think that everyone should look on ebay when there is something that they are looking for. Look there first! You will be amazed.
I love when people say they would not buy "used" clothing. Gee - if you wash or dry clean any item then it is now "new" and totally clean. Why not? I don't get it. So many of the things that people give up are probably better than the things already in our closets and we're given the opportunity to buy things that we couldn't afford if we saw them in the department store but on ebay they are attainable......spoke with someone today who bought a $10,000 wedding gown on ebay - BRAND NEW - never worn! I don't know what she paid - but I know that it was a great deal! What's wrong with that?
So everyone - get with it!
Check out ebay and get started - it's fun and there are amazing things there for you!