Well - thank you to my son-in-law!
I knew it - I had to lose weight - and believe me, I have tried before! Weight Watchers - it worked, but then it didn't anymore. I lost patience with those points! Especially when they lowered my 20 points to 18! I mean - really! 20 points was hardly any food at all - what could have 18 been like? Nope - that's when I stopped. I had lost 8 pounds that time and gee, I think it was at least a year and a half ago.
So now that my daughter is getting married in May - I really wanted to lose those 15 pounds. Everyday I got up and started my diet - by lunch - it was over!
I was at my daughter and son-in-law's and he told me about LOSE IT! an application on the iPhone. Now we're talking! It's G-R-E-A-T!
Here are some of the things that will appear on your iPhone......

You put in the information - how much you weigh, how much you want to weigh, your age and how many pounds you want to lose a week. I said that I wanted to lose 15 pounds and that I wanted to lose 1 pound a week. I started on February 2nd and have lost 9 pounds to date.
It will tell you how many calories you have a day - you add the foods that you eat all day and it deducts the calories for you. You start to get a feeling for what you can eat and how much. At first I was hungry - but after a day or two it was just fine.
So, I have 6 more pounds to go - and I can't thank my son-in-law enough. Without this - I'd still be "thinking" about dieting!
If you don't have an iPhone I believe there are similar programs on the internet. GOOD LUCK!