Yes, the Ebay POLICE!
There it was - I couldn't believe it - an OSTRICH CHANEL bag - it was gorgeous! Definitely the REAL THING! (oh, but I have been wrong before!!). No this was real - and it was amazing! and in my most favorite color of all - PEANUT BUTTER BROWN! I would give anything to own something like this - a bag like this would be over $4000 (easily). There were about 34 bids on it already but the price was still low............somehow there was something strange about this.
So I looked to see what other items this person was selling. Quite a few - all little diddy things except for a Red Louie Alma bag. This item was also at a low price but also with A LOT of bids. Everything else were little items with 0 bids! So here were these two items with lots of bids - high end items and both started at very low prices.
Next I checked on who was bidding on both of these items. Right - it was the same person bidding on both of these handbags.
Then I went to check on this person - to see the type of items she had been buying (having signed up on ebay many many years ago). Right - nothing of this sort. All items in the $5 range - no big ticket items.
These people were playing a nasty game. The one doing the bidding was the SHILL! I was so angry. I reported it to eBay (I take this selling thing very seriously! and hate the idea of someone screwing around with buyers). Unfortunately the auctions were both able to come to their conclusions - I wouldn't bid on the Ostrich bag no matter how badly I wanted it. It did go for a little over $735 and that was a fabulous deal! I don't know where the Louie ended up - but both of these people were removed from eBay. I don't know for how long - I hate being a SNITCH - really I do - but it made me so angry.